(In no particular order.)
Never forget to
experience God’s grace and live your namesake.
The world will
tell you who you must be, what you must do, how you must act (and all inverses).
Live in the truth of who Jesus says you are, remembering that you cannot be any
more righteous than you are by Him.
Secure your
heart so fully in God that you can offer it to anyone as they might need
without fear of misuse.
Read, read,
Do not let one
disappointed love embitter your heart.
Pursue the
hearts of your siblings—you will need them.
Take to heart
the example of Jesus in private prayer, for that is the truest measure of your
desire to know the Father and the truest demonstration of dependency on Him.
Do not dampen
your heart’s passion in conformity to people’s expectations of you.
People will doubt
your ability to “make it” as a writer; remember that writing is whatever you
make of it.
10. Forgive seventy times seven, and then again.
11. Just remember, when you get that phone, you can
never go back.
12. Do not let two disappointed loves make you doubt.
13. Know how to defend your faith.
14. Don’t obsess over your outward appearance, for it
will always demand more time, more energy, and more money. When you turn
twenty, you will have to make up for lost time fashioning your character.
15. Wait a few years to read Joshua Harris’ books.
16. Do not obsess about what other people think of you, but
be careful about how they perceive you, for upon that perception your
reputation is established.
17. Cultivate an appreciation for music and practice
your guitar. Someday it will be a tremendous tool of expression and worship, if
you know how to use it.
18. Do not let three disappointed loves make you afraid.
19. Ask Jesus to show you when you are being, and when
you are being a moralist.
20. Give yourself grace to make mistakes and wrong
decisions. After all, there will be no twenty-year-old self to give you the
right answers.